Wednesday 17 February 2010

Before Photos

Ok so I thought I should have some full length photos to use as before and after photos! 

The first one is from Christmas 2009 and the second is from this weekend. Couldn't believe what a difference it is already!  Ok the photo of my and my boyfriend from Christmas is terrible (of both of us) but just look at how fat my arms are in that photo ickie!!!!!

I actually don't mind the most recent photo (where I'm in the blue jumper). I think I have defiantly made an improvement and it just helps to drive me with the weight loss :)

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Week 6

I'm currently on week 6 of WeightWatchers and so far have been very happy with the results. My weight in day is Moday and this week I lost 4.5lbs putting me at exactly 14lbs lighter! I still can't believe it came out at exactly 14lbs but I checked 3 times and thought I better stop before I confuse the scales!

So far I have been confident in WW and found it fairly easy to stick to the plan. However I do have issues with eating all of my daily points. I'm allowed a massive 29 a day, partly due to my high start weight and partly due to being 5ft 10" tall. I try my hardest to hit my points allowence for the day as I have read over and over from other WW members that you need to in order to loose weight but it can be so so hard to tell yourself to eat more when you know your goal is to loose weight.

I try and top my points up with a fruit salad and yogurt but I can sometimes be up to 6 points away from my allowed number. I've decided not to worry about this too much as surly the point of WW is to show you how to regulate what you eat and take control of your eating habits? If I am hungry I will use my extra points but otherwise I won't worry, so long as I hit roughly 24 points most days I think I will manage healthy weight loss :)

At the moment I am finding it quite hard not to reach for comfort foods, I currently have a few minor health issues that I am waiting for results on and although it shouldn't be anything bad it's still in the back of my mind. It's also comming up to 10 years since my Mum passed away and I am finding myself starting to drift into daydreams about fish and chips from the chippie. Although I know I would be so upset after eating it at times like these it feels like nothing else will do. I think that this is something I need to talk over with my boyfriend so that he can help me work through the comfort eating. I really do believe my weight gain was due to huge amounts of comfort and bordome eating. I'm sure some would just say it's lack of self disipline but never mind :)

I'm currently doing pretty well with exercises too. I use the wii fit atleast 3 times a week, more if I can and am going to dig out the exercise bike my Dad got but has never used! I try and do a few exercises during quiet moments at work too, sounds silly but no one can see so it's ok! Just some muscle ones on my arms and thighs. This helps reduce the boredom for me as well because as soon as boredom sets in I just want to eat! Again I think this is soemthing I need to talk over with my boyfriend to try and explain to myself why boredom=the need to eat.

I think that's enough rambling for now! Weight in Monday so I have to resist too many popadoms on Saturday mmmmmmm